Chimé Shore’s wealth of experience in working with a wide variety of people, combining both the spiritual and the worldly is rare. He is a warm, compassionate man who teaches in a straight-forward way. Lama Chimé is involved in community based projects in New Zealand and Western Australia and has worked in the mental health system aiding people in their personal recovery. He is a father to three sons and is also an artist and sculptor. Originally from Canada, he now resides in Perth and teaches mostly in Australia and New Zealand.
Chim has been teaching full-time since 1973 and has received ordination in the Theravadan and Vajrayana traditons of Buddhism. He has studied with many eminent teachers such as H.H. the XVIth Karmapa, Ven. Kalu Rinpoche, Ven. Namgyal Rinpoché and Ven. Sayadaw U Thila Wunta.
Lama Karma Chimé Shore founded the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre near Nelson, New Zealand and the Origins Centre in Western Australia.
Lama Karma Chimé Shore is currently based at the Origins Centre in Western Australia (web, FaceBook). If you’d like to be updated on Chimé’s teachings, you can subscribe to to his email list.