Jangchub Sempa Gyatso (Lindsay Reid) studied Qabala, T.M. and yoga in the early 1970s before meeting with his root Teacher Ven. Namgyal Rinpoché in 1975. He continued to study Buddha Dharma for many years, especially with Chimé Shore and Tarchin Hearn. He has also been fortunate to receive many Dharma teachings and transmissions from H.H. the XVIth Karmapa, H.E. Chobgye Trichen Rinpoché, Ven. Sayadaw U Thila Wunta, H.H. Sakya Trizin, Sogyal Rinpoché, H.H. Dalai Lama, Choegyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoché, Thich Nhat Hanh and H.H. Thaye Dorjé. Jangchub helped in the early developments of the Sphere Group in New Zealand and at the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre, including the early Summer Schools.
He has many years experience in counselling, community programmes and body-centred therapies. In 1998 he was invited to be Resident Teacher at the Dharma Centre of Queenstown. He then lived in the Drome-Provencale area, S.E. France and helped to develop the Namgyal Gonpa community.
Jangchub now lives and teaches in Brazil (see www.novayana.com). He is teaching the essential Dzogchen view and practise, combined with brain strategies (e.g. NLP) to assist people to change easefully. “I help people realise that change does not need to take a long time nor need it be painful or difficult; to the contrary change is, by nature, liberating and easy (when you know how). This realisation leads one naturally into Dzogchen practise and the path of relaxed Self-Liberation.
Jangchub teaches in an open, relaxed way that is direct and accessible to all people of any background. He encourages people to experience for themselves the true nature of their minds, thus liberating a profound flow of peace and compassion.