
2011 The Heart of Compassion

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The Heart of Compassion

Teachings with Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche on “The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva”


November 2011

To be happy and free from suffering is something we all strive for. These teachings, based on the text, The Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva by Thogme Zangpo give a series of concise ways to bring about true happiness.
They begin with trainings to counter our negative emotions and progress to practices that undermine and ultimately destroy, the deep, habitual misconceptions we hold about the nature of reality. It is these false views that prompt us to actions that cause our suffering.
Rinpoche will explain in detail each of these practices in a way understandable to Buddhist or non-Buddhist alike.
A ‘bodhisattva’ is someone committed to freeing themselves and all beings from suffering. This commitment naturally increases as we open our minds to the truths of our existence.
10.00am – 12.00pm & 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th November