
2010 Lama Mark Webber

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Lama Mark Webber -Teachings at Queenstown

Feb/March 2010


1.  Fri 12 Feb 7.30pm. What is Dharma?  Preview of program.  No charge. Highly recommended.


2.  The Weekend Sessions (12 Sessions) (BLUE below) “Understanding Buddha Dharma”comprise a complete course on the overview of Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana (Mahmudra/Dozchen).  The progressive path of Buddhism involves moving from one ‘yana’ ( vehicle) to the next.  This is a detailed explanation of the scope of Buddha Dharma.  It is rare indeed to find such an encompassing teaching.  It is important to try and follow the course all the way through, session by session.  The Lama will explain this in more detail during the session on Friday night (12 February).  (Cost $40.00 the course or $5.00 per session – that does not include Dana – anyone unable to meet these costs may pay what they can afford).


3.  The Weekday Sessions (6 Sessions) (RED below) comprise a “Detailed Examination of the Chenrezig Sadhana”.  This too is a complete course.  Note the Chenrezig empowerment on 17 February.  This is an opportunity to get to grips with what exactly yidam practice is and why it is so powerful.  It is important to try and follow the course all the way through, session by session.  The Lama will explain this in more detail in the course of the Friday night (12 February) session. (Cost $20.00 the course or $5.00 per session – that does not include Dana – anyone unable to meet these costs may pay what they can afford).


4.  Weekend Mini Retreat (6/7 April).  Cost $40.00 or $25.00 per day – that does not include Dana – anyone unable to meet these costs may pay what they can afford.


5.  Meditation with Lama (25 Feb/4 Mar).


6.  Empowerment – to be advised.


12 February (Friday) – 7.30pm – What is Dharma? And an overview of the teachings thru to the 9th of March.   No Charge.


13/14 – at 10.00 am and 2.00(2:30 pm) (2 sessions per day) – Basic Buddhism.  Topics: The causes of difficult and conflicted emotional states; how conflict and strife arises within ourselves, others, communities and societies; how conflicted emotional states can be dissolved, not suppressed;  what is healing; how far can we heal and transform–mentally and physically–ourselves. The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path. Hinayana Path.


16/17 (Tue/Wed)   at 7.30pm – 16th (Tue): – Teachings on Refuge, Precepts and Bodhisattva commitments.


17th (Wed): Chenrezig Empowerment and brief teachings on the Chenresig meditation..


20/21 (Sat/Sun) – 10.00 am and 2.00 (2:30 pm) (2 sessions per day) – The Path of the Bodhisattva. Topics: Continued teachings on the scope of the Bodhisattva Path; the path of development–the Paramitas; the essential importance of compassion and its vast scope of transformation and freedom for all types of beings. Teachings on the Mahayana view.


23/24 (Tue/Wed) – 7.30 pm –Chenrezig – The Union of Compassion and Emptiness.


25 – 7.30 pm Chenrezig meditation.  Group Mediation with Lama Mark

27/28 (Sat/Sun) – 10.00 am and 2.00 (2:30 pm) (2 sessions per day)- Where Dharma and Science Meet. Topics: It is important that Westerners knowledgeably understand why they are meditating, why it works and how it works. In the past few decades considerable research has occurred on meditation, mindfulness and neuroplasticity. This research has begun to explain the physiologic and psychological basis of what often appears as esoteric or ritual practices. In addition, research has demonstrated that for the most part, we can dramatically alter our physiology, thus our mental states. However, the extent of the changes are mainly due to how much relaxed attention, interest and how often and for how long these factors are sustained. Are we really interested in learning? Are we placing ‘grooves’ and ‘ruts’ in the brain that build negativity, hurt and pain, or groves of “openness, compassion and clarity?” Are we building for ourselves and others the spaces and environments by which to grow? We certainly have a choice!


2/3 March (Tue/Wed) 7.30 pm – Chenrezig and an Overview of Vajrayana, Mahamudra and Dzogchen traditions.  


4 March (Thurs) 7.30 pm – Group Chenrezig meditation with Lama Mark.


6/7 – (Sat/Sun) Dharma Practice mini retreat 10.00 am to 4.00 pm each day.  Effective practice and how it may be maintained. A mini retreat on effective practices – study, meditation, retreats, body work, awareness and mindfulness. Every day starts with a short Chenrezig meditation.


(8th 7.30pm (?)  Empowerment to be announced – this will bring together all the theory expounded in the weekend and weekday sessions in a practice – watch this space!)


9th ­ Dinner together.  (Venue and time to be advised)


10th March Lama leaves for Christchurch and Wangapeka.