
Cutting The Roots Of Anxiety

Categories: Archive


22 – 23 August 2015
Venue: Wakatipu Senior Citizens Rooms, Level 1, 10 Memorial Street.

Session times:

Public talks on “Cutting the Roots of Anxiety” on Sat 22 August and Sun 23 August @ 10am and 2pm, @ Wakatipu Senior Citizens Rooms (cost $5.00 per session, coffee & tea provided)
Private (Sangha and Hospice) Potluck Dinner on Sun 23 August @ 6pm with open Discussion on Supporting the Dying and Coping with Death @ Wakatipu Senior Citizens Rooms

Please note: No Sadhana and Social Gathering 23 August at the Queenstown Dharma Centre

The Trustees are delighted to announce that we have Keith Rowan from the Nelson Buddhist Centre coming to Queenstown to teach, “Cutting the Roots of Anxiety.”

Keith is a very fine teacher.  He skilfully weaves together running the Nelson BuddhistCentre, teaching practical Dharma in plain English, providing a home for Amnyi Rinpoche, his own business of architectural drafting, chairing various Dharma related committees and volunteer work at the Nelson Tasman Hospice.   Now you will understand why he is available for one weekend only in August. However, what a full weekend it will be.

It is important to note that these teachings are for non-Buddhists and Buddhists alike.  Anyone concerned with anxiety issues for self, family or friends could gain a lot from this.

There is a lot we can be anxious about and, for many of us, anxiety can be a major component of our day. Feeling anxious never feels ‘right’ but what can be done?

The good news is that since anxiety arises in our own hearts and minds, it is from within our own minds that we find the ways to diminish and eventually cut it off at the root.

The teaching will introduce the possibly surprising insight, passed down from the Buddha, that our well-being doesn’t depend on exterior circumstances at all but is within our own control. The tools we already have are waiting for us to discover and learn how to use.

198191_5850474707_3537_nKeith Rowan has studied and practiced Buddhist teachings for over 40 years. He has received extensive teachings from his main teachers Namgyal Rinpoche and Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche and from several other great teachers.

“My greatest pleasure is to share, as best I can, the wonderful insights and methods that Buddhism can offer, in plain English that ordinary people of whatever inclination or belief can understand and put into practice. The teachings of the Buddha are not about strange belief systems. They are about who we are, the challenges we face and our true birthrights – happiness, love and liberation.”