Dana and Fees


The Queenstown Dharma Centre is pleased to bring Teachers to Queenstown. The teachers lead us with teachings and practices and we give Dana so they can give teachings…and so on…the “Cycle of Dana”. This tradition of generosity has ensured that profound teachings have reached us more than 2,500 years after the Buddha..

Since the teachings are priceless, one determines the kind and amount of dana according to one’s heart. Let your donations reflect not only what you can afford but also the effort, hard work and years of dedication that have been spent in order that you might receive the great benefit of these teachings. Dana is also the first of the 6 Parami, so this is also part of your practice.

We would ask that each time you attend you generously recognise the teacher with the gift of Dana (within your means) in return for the precious teachings so that their ministry of compassion may continue.

Dana for retreats is recommended at $30 per day or such lesser amount as can be afforded.

For clarification, all Dana collected goes directly to the teacher. Any registration fees associated with teachings go towards covering costs for hosting the teacher. Any registration money left after expenses goes to the teacher.

Envelopes and a bowl are available for Dana at the Queenstown Dharma Centre.

Bank account for dana: 38-9006-0765486-00 (Lake Street Trust)


Unless otherwise stated, fees for casual attendance of classes for a visiting teacher are $10 per class. There will be a fee schedule published for most visiting teachers, and discounted rates will be offered when registering for more than one class.

Any member who is unable to afford any part of a program, may apply for financial support.

Bank account for registration fees: 38-9006-0765486-09 (Lake Street Trust)