Condensed Daily Tara Practice

  • 6:30 PM

COVID-19: Please check our policy here.

Tara teachings, meditations and mantra recitations from Twenty-One Verses in Praise of Tara. Please see the Calendar to check which weeks are practice weeks.

Tara is the symbol of compassion and wisdom, a source of refuge. Whoever practices this will increase their qualities of compassion, wisdom and peacefulness. Tara was the main practice of Kamalashila, a great master of Nalanda University. Other great beings like Patrul Rinpoche, Mipham Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama all practice Tara.

So keep a Good Heart, Warm Feelings and Kindness.

All practitioners will need to have their own copy of the practice booklet, which can be purchased for $20 at the class.

There’s no charge to attend the class, but dana is greatly appreciated.

*Regular classes are occasionally cancelled or altered. Please check the Calendar for the latest information.