
Geshe Jampa Tharchin, 29-30 July 2020

Categories: Events,Future Events,Meditation Sits,News,Retreats

We have the pleasure to announce that Geshe Jampa Tharchin will be returning to Queenstown in July. Geshe-la is the resident teacher at Chandrakirti Meditation Center in Upper Moutere, Nelson, and is speaking in Queenstown on authentic Tibetan Buddhist techniques and how they can be practically applied to our modern lives.

Guru Puja Tsog offering ceremony
Wednesday 29th July 7-9 pm
Join us for a Tibetan Buddhist Puja ceremony.

“The Nature of Reality” public talk
Thursday 30th July 7-9 pm
Geshe-la shares his personal experiences on the benefits to daily life from understanding the true nature of reality.

Click on the image to view a poster. All warmly welcome – entry by donation.