UPDATE #2: Bonni sends her apologies that she will not be able to teach tonight (Wednesday). However, she does expect to have recovered sufficiently to be available for “questions, comments and complaints” tomorrow evening. Please come along and take advantage of this final opportunity to be with Bonni on this visit.
UPDATE #1: Unfortunately, Bonni has succumbed to flu and will not be teaching tonight (Tuesday). At the moment, the Wednesday and Thursday classes are still on, but please check Facebook or our website before coming along.
Beyond Duality, Delusion & Doubt
Sat, 30th July — Thu, 11th August, 2022
We are delighted to announce that Bonni Ross has generously agreed to teach at the Dharma Centre over this two-week period. These teachings will replace our regular programme with the exception of Rinpoche’s monthly teaching on Sun, 7th August.
Class days and times are as follows:
Sat & Sun*: 10 am – 1 pm
Tue, Wed & Thu: 6 – 7:30 pm
*except 7th Aug
All are welcome. Classes are free, with donations (dana) for the teacher and/or Centre gratefully accepted. Click the image at the end of this page for the event poster.
Are we in agreement that there is suffering in the world? That the changes rolling through are increasing anxiety and paralysis?
Let’s do something about that. We are an alpha species on an awakening world. What we do with our clever minds has enormous impact, positive and negative. Human brains have brought forth wonders and unleashed immense destruction, but they also hold the coding of a planetary consciousness evolving.
Shall we explore how we can engage our minds and open our hearts as a positive force for wholesome evolutionary change? And in the process, heal our own states of suffering too.
“Transcendentaling” is Namgyal Rinpoche’s reframing of the word ‘transcendence’ — to indicate a multi-dimensional dynamic arising from the ground of universal consciousness rather than a fixed state of being.
Bonni has been a student of dharma for 58 years, and a teacher for 44 of them. She has experienced the evolution of the Teachings of Liberation as they have come to the West and has spent decades acting as a bridge of understanding between ancient teachings and modern lives. Bonni is known for her skills in bringing the teachings alive in a direct, personal, and grounded way.
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