
Grant Rix: Nurturing Peace

Categories: News

Grant Rix

Grant Rix, one of our Resident Teachers, has generously offered to continue his series of teachings on “Nurturing Peace”. These take place on 9 consecutive Wednesday evenings from 18th October to 6th December, 2023 at 6:30 – 7:45 pm.

All are welcome; entry by dana (donation) to the teacher. These teachings will not be streamed.


We humans are perplexing creatures. Our worst tendencies can cause devastating harm and destruction to each other, to our planet, and to ourselves. Tragically, these worst tendencies are clearly on display in the world today in an increasing number of hot war zones.

And yet, we humans are also capable of so much love, empathy, compassion, and caring presence.

These classes will focus on timeless methods for nurturing peace, practising compassion, and awakening wisdom. The aspiration is for each class to be spontaneous and responsive to those who attend and as such, each class is open to practitioners of all levels, from complete beginners to well-seasoned peace nurturers.

Together we will meditate, dialogue, and foster contemplative enquiry, with a view to growing a supportive community of people practising together with a shared desire of nurturing peace, kindness, and compassion for the benefit of all.


Grant Rix has been studying and practising meditation all his adult life and has completed numerous retreats, including graduating from a unique three-year study and meditation programme that took place at the Wangapeka Retreat Centre during the mid-00’s under the guidance of his principal teacher, Tarchin Hearn. Other teachers Grant has studied and retreated with include the Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Lama Mark Webber, and Sonia Moriceau.

Having completed traditional foundational practices and continuing with studies of Mahāmudrā and the four foundations of mindfulness, Grant has a sound understanding of methods common to Buddha Dharma as well as modern secular approaches to mindfulness practice and research.

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