
Grant Rix: The Heart of Interbeing

Categories: News

Grant Rix

Grant Rix has accepted our offer to become a Resident Teacher at the Dharma Centre (alongside Alan) and has generously offered to teach “The Heart of Interbeing” on five consecutive Wednesdays as follows:

Wed 24-Aug, 31-Aug, 7-Sep, 14-Sep & 21-Sep, 2022, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

All are welcome; entry by dana (donation) to the Centre. These teachings will not be streamed.


By current scientific estimates, the Universe has been expanding for around 14 billion years (give or take). Each present moment and every aspect of each moment is a culmination of those past 14 billion years presenting as a momentary fluctuation that we tend to lock down into labels such as “me” and “my experience.”

The reality is that this present arising experience is itself continuously expanding and unfolding into new moments, full of universal potential, not yet pinned down or defined. In every moment, we stand on the edge of freedom, but our habituated minds conditioned as they are to repeat well-trodden ways of viewing the world in terms of a limited sense of self, prevent us from taking full advantage of the opportunity to recognise the inherently free and loving nature of universal mind.

Fortunately, opportunities for freedom are continuously arising…

With a little training and reflection, plus a dedication to practice, we can harness the extraordinary power of our minds and engage with each moment in ways attuned to the free flow of this ungraspable, interconnected experience of living.

These classes will explore the themes of interconnection across space, and interconnection through time, using breath, body, and visualisation practices.

Expanding feelings of Loving-kindness, compassion, gratitude, joy, and equanimity, will be the intended fruition of this exploration of the “Heart of Interbeing.”

This course will most suit those with some prior meditation experience who are able to hold and work with visualised forms. That said, all are welcome, including beginners.


Grant Rix has been studying and practising meditation all his adult life and has completed numerous retreats, including graduating from a unique three-year study and meditation programme that took place at the Wangapeka Retreat Centre during the mid-00’s under the guidance of his principal teacher, Tarchin Hearn. Other teachers Grant has studied and retreated with include the Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Lama Mark Webber, and Sonia Moriceau.

Having completed traditional foundational practices and continuing with studies of Mahāmudrā and the four foundations of mindfulness, Grant has a sound understanding of methods common to Buddha Dharma as well as modern secular approaches to mindfulness practice and research.

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