
Lama Mark Webber: Blossoming Fundamentals into Compassion-Wisdom

Categories: Events,Future Events,News,Retreats

Saturday, 9th & Sunday, 10th July, 2022, 10 am – 12 pm

Lama Mark Webber

Lama Mark (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen), our spiritual advisor and one of our principal teachers, will be giving two online classes at the request of the Centre. The Sunday class will replace our regular Sunday morning practice.

All are welcome. Entry is by dana (donation) for the teacher. We hope to see Lama Mark back in New Zealand in person in early 2023.


Through exploring the three inter-related topics below, Lama Mark will demonstrate how these fundamentals of Buddhism open into expansive wisdom.

  1. The Four Noble Truths
  2. The Brahma Viharas
  3. The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind from Samsara

At least one guided meditation will be included.

The teachings will be direct, and Lama Mark will give instruction on how to utilize the Dharma in a practical and liveable way.


Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) has been studying, practising and teaching Buddha Dharma for more than 40 years. He’s trained under world-renowned teachers such as Namgyal Rinpoche, H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche and the 16th Karmapa. Lama Mark is also a research scientist, specializing in diatoms of the Salish Sea in collaboration with investigators at universities in Canada & Poland. Lama Webber’s approach is classically founded in Buddhism, while integrating modern science. ()