
Lama Mark Webber: Je Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation

Categories: Events,Future Events,News,Retreats

Lama Mark, our spiritual advisor and one of our principal teachers, will soon be commencing a two-month series of teachings and retreat on Je Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation.

The teachings start with a public online class at 6:30 am on Sunday, 6th March, NZ time. The link includes more information on the teachings and a link to the Zoom session. Note that the time zone for NZ is wrong on this page; it should be 6:30 am local time, which is currently NZDT not NZST.

The remaining classes are available in person or online, but require registration.

Whilst we hope to see Lama Mark back in New Zealand in person soon, we recognise that we are currently in very uncertain times, and encourage you to take advantage of these precious offerings.