



Breathing Sanity

Categories: Events,Future Events,Meditation Sits,News,Retreats

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contemplative conversations and teachings with Tarchin Hearn

November 14 – 22, 2020
Weekends: 10-12 am
Tue, Wed, Thu: 7-8:30 pm

Living in turbulent times.
Yearning for goodness.
Bowled over by pandemics of fear and grasping and fortress behavior.
Tentatively feeling our way towards meaningful ways of being.
Not back to normal but onward to
Something Beautiful for the World.

Teacher, author and artist, Tarchin draws on the fruits of his life long involvement with Buddhist philosophy and practice, and contemplative ecological science. Further information about Tarchin and his teaching can be found at

The week will begin with an exploration of the vision and implications of what in Buddhism is sometimes called “Ekayāna” – a way of living that is thoroughly non-sectarian and universal in nature. This is dharma in action which, given the multiple crises in the world today, is more necessary than ever.

Tarchin suggests that if there are themes or questions that you would particularly like to explore during his visit, you could pass them on to Ian ( ahead of the visit.

Tarchin will also be available to see people individually.

All are welcome. Cost is $10 / class (or whatever you can afford). Donations (dana) for the teacher gratefully accepted.